book online and save with Mountain Xtra

1 Personal Details

Start your booking.

1. Accommodation Details

Please be as precise as possible
If you are staying somewhere not listed above, i.e. Seytroux, Le Biot please contact us directly to see if a delivery service is available

Order to be collected from shop

2. Travel Details

How are you getting to resort?
If flying, what time do you land?
What date and time will you arrive in resort?

3. Contact Details

Group leaders contact details

Please make sure you have entered your email address correctly.
Please supply a mobile number that you will have in resort with you.
If you've been given a promotional code, enter it here

4. Ski Delivery Details

4. Ski Collection Details

Your ski delivery details

Your ski collection details

When do you want Doorstep Skis to deliver your equipment?
What date do you hit the slopes?
When is your last day on the slopes?

5. Accepting our Terms and Conditions

Please review our booking terms & conditions before proceeding

Edit or view an existing booking

If you have a saved booking, you can reload it here.

Your 8 digit booking reference.
The group leaders email address.